HTMLScribe SaaS Documentation


Welcome to the documentation for HTMLScribe SaaS. This guide will help you set up and use our application, which is built with Laravel 11 and uses Vite for asset compilation. The system also includes a Node.js application used for generating PDFs and images.

System Overview

System Requirements

For Laravel Application:

  • PHP >= 8.2.12 or above
  • Laravel 11.0.0 or above
  • Composer 2.3.7 or above
  • Node.js (v18.X) or above
  • MySQL 5.7+ or above

PHP Extensions:

  • BCMath
  • Ctype
  • JSON
  • Mbstring
  • OpenSSL
  • PDO
  • Tokenizer
  • XML
  • Fileinfo
  • Sodium Extension
  • GD
  • Zip

In most servers, these extensions are enabled by default, but you should check with your hosting provider.


  • Database: MySQL
  • Cache: Database
  • Queue: Database
  • Session: Database
  • Mail: SMTP

For Node.js Application:

  • Node.js (v18.X or above)
  • npm or yarn
  • libxfixes3, libxkbcommon0, libnss3, libatk1.0-0, libatk-bridge2.0-0, libcups2, libxcomposite1, libxrandr2, libxdamage1, libgbm1, libasound2, libpango1.0-0, libcairo2

Database Configuration

Before starting the admin installation, you must configure the database for the application.

Steps to Create and Configure the Database

  1. Go to MySQL Databases
    Navigate to MySQL Databases
  2. Create a New Database
    Create a new database
  3. Create a Database User
    Create a database user
  4. Add the User to the Database
    Add user to database
  5. Assign User Privileges
    Assign user privileges

Local Setup

Setting up the Laravel Application

  1. Extract the ZIP file containing the project to your desired location
  2. Navigate to the project directory and open the terminal
  3. Install PHP dependencies:
    composer install
  4. Generate an application key:
    php artisan key:generate
  5. Create a local database and configure it in the .env file:
                                            DB_CONNECTION = mysql
                    DB_HOST = localhost
                    DB_PORT = 3306
                    DB_DATABASE = DATABASE_NAME
                    DB_USERNAME = root
                    DB_PASSWORD = 
  6. Import the database htmlscribedb.sql file to the created database
  7. Update the application URL in .env:
  8. Update the Node API URL in .env:
  9. Install Node.js dependencies:
    npm install
  10. Compile assets:
    npm run dev
  11. Start the development server:
    php artisan serve
  12. Storage Linking (optional):
    If images aren't showing, ensure the public/storage folder exists; if not, run:
    php artisan storage:link

Local Setup for Node.js API Server

  1. Upload to your chosen directory and extract it.
  2. Update BASE_URL and LARAVEL_API_URL in .env:
  3. Install Node.js dependencies and start the server:
    npm install
    node app.js

Server Setup

After downloading the code from Codester or any Marketplace, upload the file to your server directory and extract it. HTMLScribe can be installed on your main domain or subdomain, e.g, or

Server Setup for Laravel Admin Dashboard

Uploading to cPanel:
  1. Create a database on your server and add the database credentials to the .env file:
  2. Update APP_URL in .env with the URL where you uploaded HtmlScribe:
  3. Update NODE_API_URL in .env with the URL for HtmlScribeFunctions:
  4. Update APP_NAME, APP_ENV, and APP_DEBUG:
    APP_NAME=Your Saas Name
  5. Open the dashboard directory and install Node.js dependencies:
    npm install
                    npm run build

    No need to copy the node_modules folder to the server.

  6. Log in to your cPanel account and navigate to the File Manager.
  7. Upload the dashboard to your desired directory.
  8. Import the database htmlscribedb.sql file to the database you created.
  9. Install PHP dependencies:
    composer install
  10. Generate the Scribe documentation:
    php artisan scribe:generate
  11. Storage Linking:
    php artisan storage:link

You can watch this video for Nodejs. The video installation is using Vps terminal but you will get the basic idea Watch Video

Server Setup for Node.js API Server
  1. Upload to your desired directory:
    • Connect to your server using cPanel or Plesk's file manager, or via FTP.
    • Navigate to the directory and extract
  2. Update BASE_URL and LARAVEL_API_URL in .env:
  3. Install Node.js dependencies via terminal:
    npm install
  4. Install libraries required for screenshot and PDF generation:
    sudo apt-get update
                                    sudo apt-get install -y libxfixes3 libxkbcommon0 libnss3 libatk1.0-0 libatk-bridge2.0-0 libcups2 libxcomposite1 libxrandr2 libxdamage1 libgbm1 libasound2 libpango1.0-0 libcairo2

    Run node test.js If it shows Chromium launched successfully. then it is almost set and if you run into some errors, you need to look into it whether its asking for missing library (install it) or some error like
    Error: Could not find Chrome (ver. 127.0.6533.72). This can occur if either you did not perform an installation before running the script (e.g. `npx puppeteer browsers install chrome`) or your cache path is incorrectly configured (which is: C:\Users\Kamaldeep\.cache\puppeteer). For (2), check out our guide on configuring puppeteer at
    If the error is like this then you need to run

    npx puppeteer browsers install chrome

  5. Set app.js as the server entry point:
    • In cPanel, go to "Setup Node.js App" and set the correct environment.
    • In Plesk, go to "Hosting Settings" and set app.js as the startup file.

System Configuration

These configurations are crucial for HTMLScribe to function correctly. Please follow each step carefully.

  1. Email Configuration

    Navigate to: Left Sidebar -> Settings -> Mail

    Email Configuration
    Setting up Email:
    • Choose your mail driver/mailer (SMTP recommended for reliability)
    • Enter your SMTP server/Mail Host address (e.g., for Gmail)
    • Set the SMTP port (usually 587 for TLS or 465 for SSL)
    • Enter your email username and password
    • Set encryption type (TLS or SSL, depending on your mail server)
    • Enter the "From" email address and name for outgoing emails

    After configuring, use the "Send Test Email" feature to ensure everything is working correctly.

  2. Payment Configuration (Stripe, Paypal, and Paddle)

    Navigate to: Left Sidebar -> Settings -> Payment

    Payment Configuration
    Setting up Stripe, PayPal, & Paddle Subscriptions with Webhooks:
    • Enter your Stripe, PayPal, and Paddle API keys in HTMLScribe settings
    • Set up Stripe Webhook:
      1. Go to Stripe Dashboard -> Developers -> Webhooks
      2. Add endpoint:
      3. Select events: invoice.payment_succeeded, invoice.payment_failed, charge.refunded, customer.subscription.deleted
      4. Copy Webhook Secret to HTMLScribe

    • Set up PayPal Webhook:
      1. Go to PayPal Dashboard -> Developer -> Webhooks
      2. Add endpoint:
      4. Copy Webhook ID to HTMLScribe

    • Set up Paddle Webhook:
      1. Go to your Paddle Dashboard -> Developer Tools-> Notification
      2. Add endpoint:
      3. Select events: subscription.activated, subscription.updated, subscription.canceled, subscription.past_due, subscription.paused, transaction.completed, transaction.payment_failed, adjustment.updated
      4. Copy the Webhook ID to HTMLScribe

    Test subscriptions to ensure proper setup.

  3. Cron Job and Queue Process Configuration

    1. Cron Job Setup

    Navigate to: Left Sidebar -> Settings -> CronJob

    Cron Job Configuration
    Setting up Cron Job:
    1. Copy the cron command displayed in the settings
    2. Access your server's cron job manager (often found in cPanel or through SSH)
    3. Create a new cron job and paste the copied command
    4. Set the cron job to run every minute: * * * * *

    The cron job is essential for processing scheduled tasks, such as sending emails, updating subscription statuses, and resetting credits.

    2. Queue Process Setup
    Setting up Queue Worker:

    Choose one of the following methods to process queued jobs:

    Option A: Supervisor (Recommended for Production)
    1. Install Supervisor on your server
    2. Create a new Supervisor configuration file for your queue worker
    3. Add the following command to your Supervisor config:
    php /path/to/your/project/artisan queue:work --tries=3 --max-time=3600

    Adjust the path, tries, and max-time as needed for your application.

    Option B: Manual Long-Running Process

    If you can't use Supervisor, you can run the queue worker as a long-running process:

    nohup php /path/to/your/project/artisan queue:work > /dev/null 2>&1 &

    Note: This method requires manually restarting the process if it stops.

    The queue worker processes background jobs such as sending emails, generating reports, and other time-consuming tasks to improve application responsiveness.

Zapier Configuration

Note: I have added images to help you create Zapier Application. But you must have some knowledge of what you are doing.
First you need to visit Zapier Developer. Create a developer account if you don't have an account.
  1. Create a new app

    After adding the required details, click the "Create" button to create the app.
    Info: At Start you can select Private for Intented Audience and later change it to Public when everything is working fine.

    Zapier App
  2. Authentication for APP

    After creating the app, next step is to setup Authentication for it. Select API KEY and click save

    Auth Configuration
  3. Add Field for Authentication

    Click on the Add Fields

    Field Configuration
  4. Add Details to the Field for Authentication

    After adding the details click on Add

    Field Details Configuration
  5. Go to Advanced

    On the Left side click on Advanced and choose Request Template in tab and then HTTP Headers. Update the field if it exist to match to one in below image. If it does not exists make sure you have done the above steps correctly.

    Advance Configuration
  6. Go back to Authentication

    Edit it and go to Step 2. Add url like as a GET request, the is the domain where you have uploaded dashboard. Click Save & Continue.

    Step 2 Configuration
  7. Step 3 in Authentication - a

    Go to Step 3. Click on account where it will show a popup where you will need to add an api key. You can create a demo user and create api for that user. Then click Test Authentication.

    Step 3a Configuration
  8. Step 3 in Authentication - b

    After clicking Test Authentication if you get this response. It means things are going correctly. If not then look at the above steps if you have missed something.

    Step 3b Configuration
  9. Create Action

    Click Actions on the left side panel and create a new action. Fill the details like in the image and save it. Do it twice. One for PDF and for Image like in the images below

    Action Configuration Action Configuration
  10. Edit Action

    Edit Actions one by one and in Input Designer tab to add all the fields/atrributes. You can find all the fileds for PDF and Image within API Documentation. Some are required fields and some are optional. Make sure to mark the required fields as Required when adding.

    Action Configuration Action Configuration Action Configuration
  11. Edit Action

    Edit Actions one by one and in API Configuration tab. Add url like for the Image Action and for PDF action as a POST request, the is the domain where you have uploaded dashboard.

    Click Show Options and go to HTTP Headers to add another field with key as From and value as zapier. Like in the second image. Make sure it matches. It is case sensitive. Click Save API Request & Continue.

    Now go to below step 3 and add the data in the last image for both actions. Click Save Output & Finish.

    Note: You are now almost done.
    Add top there might be Create a Zap button. You can click it to create test automation for the image and PDF. If it's sending a proper response. It means everything is setup correctly. If not then look into the steps again.
    Action Configuration Action Configuration Action Configuration


For updating the admin panel extract it locally and run the commands just like for the new install and then make a zip and upload the zip file in your project root folder and extract it. But make sure to make env and other changes if needed.

For updating the nodejs just upload your file in your project root folder and extract it. But make sure to make env and other changes if needed.

In some cases you might need to run php artisan migrate

Update after Customisation

If you customized something on the code and want to update to our latest version, follow any option given below:

First, push your code on a git branch. Then download our project code from Codester or any Marketplace and push it to another branch. At last, merge both branches, and it is possible to get conflicts on the branch. Resolve them carefully.

Download the updated version from Codester or any Marketplace and do your customization again.

API Documentation Setup

HTMLScribe uses Laravel Scribe to generate API documentation. Follow the instructions below to make changes to the documentation and regenerate it.

1. Customization Options

If you need to update the introduction or examples section, you can modify the following files:

  • Introduction: Modify the content in public/assets/img/examples/
  • Images: Replace or add images in the public/assets/img/examples/ directory.
2. Configuration Settings

Changes to the Scribe configuration, such as formatting or output options, can be made in the scribe.php config file located in your Laravel config/ folder.

3. Regenerate Documentation

After making changes to the configuration or content, follow these steps to regenerate the documentation:

  • Clear Laravel cache:
    php artisan config:clear
                    php artisan view:clear
                    php artisan cache:clear
  • Generate the Scribe documentation:
    php artisan scribe:generate
4. Post-Generation Adjustments (optional)

After generating the documentation,if favicon is not showing. Add the line to resources/views/scribe/index.blade.php in the head section:

<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="{{ asset('assets/img/favicon/favicon.ico') }}">

Localization Setup

To update or add new languages in this project, follow these steps:

1. Updating Existing Languages

Modify language JSON files in the project/lang directory to update the content. The main files are:

  • project/lang/en.json - English
  • project/lang/es.json - Spanish
  • project/lang/fr.json - French
  • project/lang/ar.json - Arabic
  • project/lang/hi.json - Hindi
2. Adding a New Language

To add a new language:

  1. Create a new JSON file in project/lang with the language code as the filename. For example, to add Dutch, create nl.json.
  2. Copy the content from en.json into the new file and translate each key-value pair.
3. Register the Language

Update the following files to register the new language:

  • app/Http/Controllers/Language/LanguageController.php - Add the new language code here.
  • app/Http/Middleware/LocaleMiddleware.php - Register the language in middleware.
  • project/resources/views/layouts/sections/navbar/navbar.blade.php - Update the navbar with the new language option.
  • navbar-front.blade.php - Also update the front navbar for consistency.
Note: Make sure the language JSON file and code added in controllers, middleware, and navbars match exactly to ensure proper functionality.


If you encounter any issues while setting up or using the system, please refer to the following common problems and their solutions:

  • Issue: Unable to install Puppeteer dependencies or if screenshot/pdf generation does not work

    Solution: Ensure you have the necessary system libraries installed. On Ubuntu, you can run:

    sudo apt-get install -y libxfixes3  libxkbcommon0 libnss3 libatk1.0-0 libatk-bridge2.0-0 libcups2 libxcomposite1 libxrandr2 libxdamage1 libgbm1 libasound2 libpango1.0-0 libcairo2
  • Issue: Image and pdf generation are not working If image and pdf generation are not working you can go your project location in terminal and run
    node test.js
    It will provide you with an overview of the issue(s) or missing libraries.
  • Issue: If you are facing any issues regarding the permissions, then you need to run the following command in your project directory


    sudo chmod -R o+rw bootstrap/cache
    sudo chmod -R o+rw storage

  • Issue: Laravel application returns a 500 error

    Solution: Check your Laravel log files in storage/logs for more detailed error information. Ensure your .env file is correctly configured and all required PHP extensions are installed.

  • Issue: Node.js application crashes or doesn't start

    Solution: Check if all required environment variables are set correctly. Ensure you have the correct Node.js version installed and all dependencies are up to date.